Our Belief
Knowledge is the key to help solve the poverty of Thai people, reducing the gap between rich and poor

Our Mission
Using the TV as main mass media to reach Thai family and provides knowledge and know how to them as Thailand household is having more than 46 million TV sets out of 23 million households. Social media is also contributed as the supported media to reach more with teenager and young generation.

How its work
Our social enterprise company , Next Step helps people by providing the knowledge to them. We believed if we can provide the availability of knowledge and knowhow to small family, expand it to community then the family will have their own well-being and they will be able to develop the country.
How Next Step develop the new generation leaders for Thailand
Video Exchange Asia ConferenceAmornphat Chomrat, Managing Director of Next Step, speaks about how Next Step / Good TV could help develop the new generation leaders for Thailand at Video Exchange Asia Conference, Bangkok (May 2019)
Awaken Your Ideas THAmornpat Chomrat, Managing Director of Next Step, presents about Soft Power Thailand on Youtube channel “Awaken Your Ideas TH”, whether it’s food, tradition, Thai culture that can go out to people around the world by using content to produce from Thailand which is broadcast on Thainess channel from Next Step via AsiaSat satellite (May 2022)
Soft power Another force driving Thai economyAmornphat Chomrat, Managing Director of Next Step , interview about Soft power Another force driving Thai economy. live on The Nation Thailand channel. introduced Thainess, a satellite TV channel, offering content about the Soft Power of Thailand. What is Thailand’s soft power and why such soft power could lead to big impact? (February 2022)
Asia-Pacific Satellite Communications Council Satellite Conference and Exhibition 2019Amornpat Chomrat, Managing Director of Next Step, discussion on the technology direction of the satellite TV network that is still important in every home. All households around the world at the Asia-Pacific Satellite Communications Council Satellite Conference and Exhibition 2019 (November 2019)

How we fund the project
Unlike the developing countries where there is the broadcasting law to collect the license per television set. In Thailand, we have no television license law. Next Step adapted its model by collecting the fee per television set top box at USD 8 per month same price as utilities which is the cheapest in the market comparing to other services provided.